Oesophageal Cancer - thoughts and useful links

Some useful information and links about oesophageal cancer, I hope this helps those of you who have this disease or care for someone suffering from it.

When I got cancer I needed to talk to someone about it, to someone who would understand what was happening to me. I was given the phone number of the Oesophageal Patients Association, and phoned them. Dawn Williams came on the line and I just burst into tears, I could not speak for a while. she was wonderful and with a mixture of patience and firmness listened to me, gave me advice and let me know I was not alone.
She then sent my name to a local group and I was contacted by Marilyn Thornicroft and Anne Sumner of the Lincoln and district branch of the OPA, and invited to their next meeting.  I find it humbling to meet people like these, who through their own experience with cancer (both Marilyn and Anne have lost loved ones to this cancer)